The power of leftism isn't in leftism. It's power stolen from the people who believe leftist lies.
My opinion, free! No, I don't know what the domain name "" means. I added a domain name on a whim, and invented a name likely to be unique in a hurry. Perhaps it means that I am the internet philosophy police, for people who should go home because they are drunk.
How can Trump, a real estate developer, who never served a day in the military, and I, a high-tech nerd, who also never served, get this, but General Petraeus, along with so many others who should know better, not get it?
Civil rights aren't defended by putting your history down the memory hole! The Democrats, over the last 55 years, have proved that, at great personal cost to millions, of their minority wards, especially. A free man does not require victim status! And a kept man is not a free man.
My smattering of knowledge of history is enough to know that we (The United States, especially the victorious Union) chose to respect the equal rights of those who had been the defeated Confederacy, and not establish a policy of rubbing their noses in it, then, or now, like a lot of vicious, malicious, gossiping old hens, squawking "traitors! Traitors! Traitors!"
It's disgusting. The more so because leftism-ridden Democrats are leading the charge, like some deranged spirit of Col. Nathan Bedford Forrest, arriving first, with the most, in an attack on their own rear.
Trump opposes effort to rename US military bases named for confederate commanders Jun. 11, 2020 - 4:49 - Reaction from National Diversity Coalition for Trump member Bruce Levell and former Bloomberg pollster Doug Schoen.
Here is the proof, from 2017, that black lives don't matter to the left. Their agenda is the overthrow of the United States, by any means (including the sacrifice of as many black, or any other color, lives as) necessary. The assassin of this woman was a conspiracy theorist, a thug, and ex-con, who believed the leftist lies of "systematic racism" in the police force. Those unsupported accusations were his motive. Now, Democrats, who are, practically speaking, now synonymous with leftists, are are very quiet, or defending "protest" while a dozen more have been killed, and many more injured, already, in riots across the nation, provoked by the same lying leftist conspiracy theory.
Consider how many people die in the custody of, or immediately after having been in the custody of, EMTs. What if those are disproportionately "people of color"? Would that prove that EMTs are systematically racist?