Now there are _four_ kinds of lies! Because that's progress(ive)!
1. Lies.
2. D-d lies.
3. Statistics.
My opinion, free! No, I don't know what the domain name "" means. I added a domain name on a whim, and invented a name likely to be unique in a hurry. Perhaps it means that I am the internet philosophy police, for people who should go home because they are drunk.
1. Lies.
2. D-d lies.
3. Statistics.
I received a hotplate yesterday, which isn't, perhaps, the perfect match with my KickStarter purchase of a $100 pair of compact cooking utensils (in the foreground, a frying pan which doubles as a saucepan lid, in the background, a saucepan which doubles as a frying pan lid), but it was $12, has no electronics, and could double, in the future, as an 1100 watt load resistor, a heater, or other things, and for now, can make breakfast!
After spending about the last dozen years studying these things (social life, including current events) it's starting to feel a bit like (a TV series which I have preferred to mostly not watch, because every time I do, I am reminded why I have that preference, called) The X Files out there, except, the progressive Democrat institutional leftist chic elite wants to believe, they demand that I believe, and I don't want to believe (the lies they call "truth").
Adam Carolla: News outlets outraged that Smollett lied all along